Basic Radio Operations for Arlington - KGKY
(updated 10-15-07)
The frequencies for airports are found in
various places. The most common would be the airport/facility
directory, also known as the AFD. Also you could look up
on Go ahead
and get familiar with the airport layout, taxiways, and
frequencies of all airports that are close by, such as Arlington
(GKY), Midway (JWY), Dallas Exucutive (RBD), Grand Prairie (GPM),
We will begin with ground control. We
normally call up GKY
ground after we obtain the weather information (ASOS).
We would then say "Arlington ground, Skyhawk XXX, ready to taxi, with
the weather." If we were at a bigger airport that had an ATIS
instead of ASOS we would say "with information alpha" (or bravo, or
whatever letter is current) instead of simply saying "with the
weather". Ground would then say "Skyhawk XXX, taxi to runway
XX," or they might say "Skyhawk XXX, give way to the Bellanca,
taxi to runway XX." This means don't cut in front of the Bellanca
that is already taxiing. IMPORTANT: ground will NEVER clear
you to taxi anywhere, they will only give permission to taxi. We only
use the word "clear" for takeoff,
landing, instrument approaches, and other very important flight
procedures. Never say "cleared to taxi to runway XX" as a read
We always readback anything important.
Go ahead and break yourself of the habit of saying "Roger" for takeoff
and landing clearances. For example, if they clear you to takeoff
runway 16, don't just say "OK cleared for takeoff" as a readback.
The flaw is that you didn't include your call sign or the runway
number. What if you taxiied to runway 34 by
mistake? Repeating "Cleared for takeoff" doesn't let tower
know about your mistake, creating a runway incursion situation.
Radio Ops is basically just four items in each transmission. In
order they are:
1. Who you are calling
2. Who you are
3. Where you are
4. What your intentions are
Example: "Grand Prairie tower, Cessna XXX, over the Joe Pool dam,
inbound for landing."
When we get to the runway hold short line,
which is depicted in Ch.2
Sect.3 of the AIM for those who are unfamiliar, we go through our
BEFORE TAKEOFF checklist, or at least the "Lights, Camera, Action"
check. Lights being all outside aircraft lights as appropriate,
Camera being the transponder to altitude, and action being the radio
call to tower or CTAF (common traffic advisory frequency) and the
recording of time off. We then contact tower and
say something like "Arlington tower, Skyhawk XXX, holding short of
runway XX, ready for departure to the South (or whatever
direction)". To which they might reply "Skyhawk XXX, hold short
for landing traffic". This means do NOT cross the hold short
line. "Taxi into position" means cross the hold short line and
position for takeoff but do NOT takeoff until cleared to do so. You
must repeat the words "position and hold" and the runway number
otherwise they will have to halt all airport operations that intersect
with your runway.
Remember that GKY tower opens at 7am and
closes at 9pm (check AFD for current information). Other airport
control towers may close at
different times. When this happens, the
frequency usually stays the same, but the Tower will turn into a CTAF
frequency, meaning you have to do self-anounce procedures or "transmit
in the blind".
When operating at an airport that
doesn't have a control tower, we avoid mid-air collisions by announcing
where we are on the radio and looking out the window for traffic.
If someone is transmitting, do not "step on them" by transmitting at
the same time. This will create interference. If someone is
in the middle of a conversation between two airplanes or an airplane
and the tower, do not make your call before they finish talking. For
example, when the control tower clears someone to land, make sure you
wait for the cleared aircraft to confirm their landing clearance before
you make your call.
reports at an uncontrolled field include downwind, base, final,
go-around, taking the active runway, clear of the active runway, "on
the 45", and simulated engine-out on downwind. Make sure you
include the direction of the traffic pattern and the runway number in
your radio call . Example: "Midway traffic, Skyhawk XXX, turning
left base for one eight". You don't have to say the direction of
the traffic pattern for final, because you are at the same point
Since there is commonly more than
one airport on the same frequency within radio range there is sometimes
confusion. In order to not get the airports and traffic mixed up
you will have to listen to the airport and runway number to make sure
your airport matches so you can look for the traffic. On very
common frequencies, such as 122.7, 122.8, & 122.9, it is a good
idea to start and end each transmission with the airport name.
We normally call GKY tower when we
are 10 miles out. This gives them time to sequence us into the
traffic flow. We must give them a cardinal direction, such as
southeast or north-northeast, and a distance. They will then tell you
what to
do and you must acknowledge their instruction with your call sign.
When Arlington is landing to the south (runway
16), we arrive from the southeast or southwest. Southeast GKY
traffic converges over the Joe Pool Lake Marina, which is located on
the north side of the north bridge of Joe Pool Lake and has a blue
roof. If coming from the southwest, tower will likely give you a
request to report the water tower for right downwind. They are talking
about the smooth, round Arlington water tower located two miles
southwest of the field.
When GKY is landing to the North, things are
different. GKY traffic may converge over the Wal-Mart (big red
building on Cooper street northwest of the airfield) or Parks Mall
(located at I-20 and Cooper Street) and then head
towards the downwind leg "on the 45". You might want to rock your
wings to make yourself more visible near these high density converging
areas. Stay alert and keep your head outside the airplane when in
visual conditions. You wouldn't stare at the gauges and drive
your car blindly down the road, so don't do the same in the airplane.
Another approach they may have you do when
landing north is the overhead approach. This involves flying northbound
over the top of the airfield at an altitude of 2000' or 2100' (or
whatever assigned) and then making your radio call when over the top.
You will then pass the north end of the runway on the upwind leg and
start descending (while looking out for traffic) on the crosswind leg.
You should arrive at pattern altitude on the downwind leg prior to
reaching mid-field.
Altitudes: you can technically fly any
altitude between the minimum safe altitude and the lower limit of Class
B airspace when you are out over the lake area. The safest
altitudes, in my humble opinion, are 2200' MSL for high wing
aircraft, 1800' for low wing aircraft. This allows for the best
visibility. Instrument approaches are conducted at 2000' and they
are not
always looking out like they should be. High wing aircraft are better
able to see below them and low wind aircraft have better visibility
above them.
In the practice area it is common practice to
monitor and announce on
123.45. Note, though, that this is not an approved air to air
frequency. I don't know who started this but it is the most commonly
used frequency for the practice area. The FAA blessed/approved air to
air frequencies are 122.75 and 122.85.
Flying can be very safe or it can be made
dangerous. Follow these simple guidelines and you'll soon gain an
eye for spotting other planes.
You can tune in regional approach to
get clearance into class B airspace, get VFR flight following (AKA VFR
advisories), or other
various services for VFR aircraft. The frequencies are listed in
the A/FD as well as the sectional and terminal VFR charts. For
GKY, the regional approach frequency is 135.97.
The local flight service station can provide
assistance to VFR aircraft as well. You can give pilot reports,
get weather updates, and even file flight plans with FSS while in the
air. They can help assist lost aircraft or aircraft in distress
as well. All FSS frequencies can be found in the AFD. One
of the standard frequencies for FSS is 122.2. The standard
frequency for "Flightwatch" is 122.0. Flightwatch is for
weather-related communication. Think of it as a party line for pilots
to give and receive current enroute weather.
In order to fly in Class B airspace
you must have a clearance. They must say the words "Cleared into
class Bravo" or something similar. Just because they give you a
vector (heading) and altitude does not mean you are cleared to enter
Class B. Make sure you are talking with regional approach to get
a clearance. You must be familiar with the location of DFW, DAL,
the football stadium, and some of the major highways, like I35.
Also, you may want to test your transponder and see if ATC picks
up your mode C (altitude encoding) before you enter Class B.
Always get training with an instructor before entering class B
airspace. I recommend using GPS when in Class B for easy navigation. If
you want to enter class B airspace tune the frequencies into the radio
in this order: